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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

"You are currently connected to the website, owned and published by LA FERMIERE, a public limited company with a board of directors with share capital of €193,958.39, having its registered office at 375, Avenue de Passe-Temps, ZA Napollon, 13400 Aubagne (France) registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Marseille under number B055811996 and whose intra-community VAT number is the following: FR 32055811996.

Telephone number: 04 42 01 69 69

Email address:

The publishing and editorial director is Ms. Tina Tarpinian.

This website is hosted by the company OVH, SAS with a share capital of €10,069,020, having its registered office at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix (France) registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Lille Métropole under number 424 761 419 00045 and whose intra-community VAT number is the following: FR 22 424 761 419.

Telephone number of the host: 09 72 10 10 07

Intellectual and industrial property rights

1. Brand

All the distinctive signs and identifiers of the company LA FERMIERE appearing on this site belong exclusively to the company LA FERMIERE.

Our company draws your attention to the fact that references to products, services, brands belonging to us are not exhaustive of our rights.

Access to the site does not confer any right on the Internet user, of any nature whatsoever, other than that of visiting its content.

In addition, putting this site online does not imply a license to use any intellectual property rights. Such use is subject to the prior, express, written consent of the owner of the rights.

2. Copyright / Copyright

All the elements of this site (texts, photographs, illustrations, logo, icons, etc.) and all the pages of the site including its own architecture are protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of the company LA FERMIERE.

In particular, the reproduction, representation, adaptation of this protected site is prohibited, including without limitation, the presentation of one of the pages (or extract) of the said site on a web page of which LA FERMIERE is not the publisher. . Similarly, the setting up of hypertext links to our site requires the prior and express written consent of LA FERMIERE.

Any unauthorized use of the content of our site may be the subject of legal proceedings in France and abroad.

3. Counterfeit

Any reproduction or representation, even partial, or imitation of the protected elements belonging to the company LA FERMIERE by any process whatsoever, carried out without the prior and express written consent of the company LA FERMIERE is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may engage the liability of the infringer both civilly and criminally.


All rights reserved © company LA FERMIERE – May 2016

Applicable law – jurisdiction

These legal notices will be subject to and interpreted in accordance with French law.

Any dispute not settled in a transactional manner falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

In the event that one of the provisions of the legal notices is declared null or void, such a provision must be interpreted in such a way as to best reflect the intentions of the parties and the remaining provisions will be considered as automatically applicable.

INDEX 2024 EGALITE HOMMES FEMMES : 98/100 (38– 35– 15 – 10)